These are the most common industrial semi-finished products. Due to convenient form factor and wide size range they are commonly used as construction materials. They are used in rocket and aircraft engineering as titanium combines low weight, good durability, corrosive resistance and high temperature strength. As it is one of the few metals that combines the above-given properties, titanium products are very sought-for both at the domestic and global market.
For purchasing titanium sheet and slab at Metotechnics you can contact us via e-mail, phone or our website. We will answer all your product-related questions and will help you to choose the required positions.
Customers can find out the product characteristics (grades, supply condition, standard sizes) here.
Sheets and slabs are made of VT1-0 and VT1-00 grades (commercial titanium without addition agents) and VT5-1, VT6, VT14, VT20; OT4, ОТ4-0, ОТ4-1; PT-3V titanium alloys.
The chemical composition of titanium grades is regulated by GOST 19807-91 and IS 1 90013-81 standards.
VT5-1, VT6, VT14, VT20, ОТ4, ОТ4-0, ОТ4-1 and PT-3V alloys are deformable ones. ОТ4, ОТ4-0 and ОТ4-1 grades contain aluminium (Al) as an addition agent; VT6 contains aluminium and vanadium; VT5, VT14 and VT5-1 also contain molybdenum and stannum correspondingly; VT20 grade contains such addition agents as aluminium, vanadium, molybdenum and zirconium; PT-3V alloy contains such addition agent as chrome.
Please refer to Cost page for the prices for titanium sheets and slabs or for ordering the products of the required size. An extract from the full list of items available at the warehouse is given below.
Price, $/kg
Sheet (GOST 22178-76), slab (GOST 23755-79)
От 1700 $/kg
Sheet (GOST 22178-76)
От 2300 $/kg
Sheet (GOST 22178-76)
От 2300 $/kg
Sheet (GOST 22178-76)
От 2800 $/kg
Sheet (GOST 22178-76)
От 2800 $/kg
Sheet (GOST 22178-76)
От 2800 $/kg
Sheet (GOST 22178-76)
От 2800 $/kg
Sheet (GOST 22178-76)
От 2800 $/kg
Titanium sheets are produced by rolling. Depending on the end thickness of the product it can be made with (hot rolling) or without heating the blanks (cold rolling). Rolled products thicker than 6 mm are produced with hot rolling and cold rolling is used for thinner products. The products are made in annealed condition.
A mill for producing titanium sheets
Titanium slabs are also produced by rolling. In this case this technological operation is made with heating the blanks only. PT-3V grade products are supplied in annealed condition, other grades - without additional thermal processing.
During hot rolling the blanks are heated. Depending on the final size of the slab or sheet it can be made in several runs. Several technological operations for cleaning the product surfaces from unwanted chemical compositions, attaining the required technological and mechanical properties and the required length and width are performed after this process. Such operations include thermal processing, flattening, temper rolling, mechanical and chemical finishing (processing), trimming, cutting.
The same technological operations are performed both for cold-rolled and hot-rolled products so as cold rolling without additional heating of blanks.
Titanium sheet surface is pickled. Also it can have different finishing quality: high finishing, bright finishing, ordinary finishing. Some defects are acceptable depending on the group of surface finish of the semifinished products.
Depending on the alloy grade and size, the titanium slab surface can be pickled or non-pickled.
Size of titanium sheets, supply condition and mechanical properties are regulated by GOST 22178-76 и IS 1 90218-76 standards; those of slabs - by GOST 23755-79 and IS 1 90024-71.
¤ GOST 23755-79 Slabs made of titanium and titanium alloys. Technical conditions.
¤ GOST 22178-76 Sheets made of titanium and titanium alloys. Technical conditions.
¤ IS 1 90218-76 Sheets made of titanium alloys. Specifications.
¤ TC 1-5-357-75 Sheets and slabs of 3В and 40 alloys. Technical conditions.
Combination of low density (that determined the low product mass) and high durability so as corrosive resistance so as good mechanical and technological properties made titanium and its alloys indispensable in those sphere where low product mass is important. First of all, such spheres include aircraft and rocket engineering. Titanium slabs and sheets are used as a construction material for producing rockets, airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft so as submarines and housings, props, construction elements of engines.
All products at the warehouse comply with the best quality standards and has a quality certificate. If needed, it can be issued after making the order. Please contact the company managers for more details.