Tantalum pipes are very highly-demanded products in certain sophisticated industries. Considering the high corrosive and chemical stability of the material. its durability (also under high temperatures) they are perfect for transmitting aggressive liquids and gases.
It is very easy to buy tantalum pipes and tubes. MTK Metotechnics offers a wide product range - from thin-wall tubes to medium-diameter pipes. The products can be ordered on the prices page, via e-mail or by phone.
See the corresponding sections of this page for the properties, production, application and grades of tantalum pipes.
The products are made of high-purity tantalum supplied as TVCh grade.
This grade contains 99.9% of Ta. The content of niobium (Nb), which is always included in commercial tantalum, is 0.03% only. The admixture content is thousands of percent and includes molybdenum (Mo), tunsgten (W), titanium (Ti) and nickel (Ni).
The chemical content of the above-mentioned materials is regulated by TC 14-224-118-87 standard.
Tantalum pipes are made by compaction, rolling or drawing. The first method is used for producing thick-wall products. Blanks with thin walls are rolled of thick-wall ones. This technological operation is performed without heating the blanks (cold work) on cold or roller mills. Thin-wall tantalum tubes are made by ironing.
Notwithstanding the method of producing pipes, they are annealed in vacuum or protective atmosphere for removing the harden from cold pressurizing.
Sizes, extreme tolerances, supply condition, mechanical properties and other technological parameters of the described products are given in TC 14-224-118-87 standard.
Pipes are mainly used in chemical and nuclear industry. Tantalum tubes and pipes have some properties critical for these industries:
high corrosive stability (including in highly aggressive environments);
Tantalum pipes and tubes are widely used in producing heat-exchange apparatus used in nuclear industry. In chemical engineering the described products are applied for producing different acid-resistant structures - pipelines, distillation units, aerators, coils.
See Cost section for the pipe and tube prices so as the list of available pipe products. They can be ordered on the website, by phone or via e-mail.