The considered products so as other products widely used in industry - sheets and flat bars - belong to flat products. But these products have a significantly lower width and thickness and this allows using them in small devices (e.g., electronic). But tantalum does not lose its practically useful properties - refractoriness, gas-absorption properties, corrosive stability, plasticity.
Metotechnics offers tantalum foil and strip. The order can be made on the prices page, via e-mail or by phone.
See the corresponding sections of this page for the grades, manufacturing processes, sizes, supply condition and applications of the described products.
The products are made of T (pure tantalum). Ta is the main component. Its weight per cent is 99.375%. Niobium content (Nb) is very low, but it does not belong to admixtures. The contaminating elements include iron (Fe) - 0.03%, titanium (Ti) - 0.01%, silicon (Si) - 0.005%, molybdenum (Mo) - 0.03%, wolfram (W) - 0.05%.
The chemical composition of the tantalum foil is regulated by TC 95.311-82 and TC 48-19-258-77 standards. Tantalum strip is produced of a material with chemical composition regulated by TC 11-77 SU0.021.016 TC.
Tantalum strip and foil are made of billets baked in vacuum or reducing environment made of Ta powder. Rolling is the main technological operation for making these products. But firstly hot forging (under 1100-1500 °C) of blanks is made for attaining the required plastic properties. Then semi-finished products of the required size (including ultra-thin ones) are made with cold rolling. This allows making tantalum foil 0.03-0.09 mm (TC 48-19-258-77) or 0.01-0.2 mm thick (TC 95.311-82) and tantalum strip 0.05-2.00 mm thick (TC 11-77 SU0.021.016 TC).
Edge trimming is an additional technological operation performed for semi-finished products. The products are supplied in unannealed form, but thermal processing is made upon request.
Tantalum strip and foil have a similar form factor. These are flat thin narrow and rather long products. The described products are supplied in rolls or packs (if thicker than 0.05 mm).
The sizes, supply conditions and other technological peculiarities of the semi-finished products are described in TC 11-77 SU0.021.016 TC, TC 48-19-258-77 and TC 95.311-82 standards.
Tantalum foil and strip are applied for solving sector-specific scientific and industrial tasks in electronics. As a rule, this refractory metal is used because the products have to work in deep vacuum under high temperatures. High melting temperature, ability to absorb gases and form a stable oxide film determine this choice. One of the applications of tantalum foil and strip is chemical capacitors.
The Cost page contains available product sizes and grades so as prices for tantalum foil and strip.