The described semi-finished products belong to sheet products. They are the source of Sn in the electroplating method of coatings, which is one of the most used for tinning and allows to obtain uniform thin layers of tin on the surface of medium and large sized products, including complex shapes.
To buy tin anodes in Metotechnics, just contact us using one of the convenient ways - email, phone, website. We will answer questions related to the product and help you choose the necessary items.
You can learn more information about product characteristics, stages of its production, application and grades are provided on this page in the appropriate sections.
Workpieces are made of pure tin, which has the grade O1. 99,900% of the chemical composition matches the element Sn. The percentage of impurities is only 0.1%, which corresponds to the high chemical purity of the material.
The chemical composition of the described grades is regulated by the GOST 860-75 standard.
Tin anodes are standard sheets in shape. Mouldings of rectangular section serves as workpieces for their production. The production method of the considered products is cold rolling, in which the processing of semi-finished products is carried out on rolling mills. This process operation can be performed several times depending on the final thickness of the sheet. The thinner the tin anode is to be obtained at the output, the greater the number of rolling cycles to be repeated.
After obtaining the required thickness of the product, additional operations such as thermal, chemical, and mechanical processing are not performed.
Most often tin anodes are supplied in the size of 10x200x1000 mm. However, the technology of their production allows to get products of other sizes.
Properties, delivery status, and product sizes must meet the requirements of the TC 48-21-144-90.
The main and even the only application is the coating depositions from Sn, which is called tinning. In this process, the tin anode is a source of Sn particles which pass through the electrolyte under the action of an electric current and settle in a thin layer on the surface of the coated product. The described method is called galvanic. There are also other methods of tinning, which can be found in the article "Application of tin for coatings".
The availability of specific sizes, grades, and prices for tin anodes are presented on the Cost page. You can also make an order online on this page.