This is one of the basic semi-finished products produced by the industry. It can be used as a workpiece for producing smaller products, such as rods, anodes, or as a source of Sn in various technological processes. Since considered products are intended anyway for further processing, they are not subjected to any strict requirements for size, surface quality or special properties. The only important requirement is the absence of signs of "tin plague".
In the company Metotechnics you can buy tin ingot and blank. Just call the phone, send a request by email, or make an order via the website on the page with the price list.
A detailed description of the production methods of products containing tin, their grades and recommendations for use are provided on this page in the appropriate sections. There are also links to standards that are important sources of technical information.
Products are made from tin OVCH-000, O1pch, O1, O2, O3, O4. The main component of all these grades is Sn, its content varies from 99.99% for OVCH-000 to 96.43% for O4. The bigger the number in the grade, the less quantity of pure Sn is contained in the material. One of the most significant impurities is plumbum (Pb), its proportion is up to 3%. The number of other components (As, Cu, Fe, S, etc.) is insignificant - tenths and hundredths of a percent.
The chemical composition of Sn various grades is regulated by the standard GOST 860-75.
Tin blanks and ingots are obtained by casting. The molten metal is poured into the moulds, and then cools down, turning into a solid aggregate state.
The standard regulates the shape and size of the moulds and the products themselves accordingly. However, in agreement with the customer, tin blank can have any shape and size.
The mass of semi-finished products depends on the grade. So for OVCH-000 it is 0.22-0.28 kg. Tin in ingots O1pch, O1, O2, O3, O4 has a mass of 22-26 kg.
The sizes, delivery status of products must match the requirements of the standard GOST 860-75.
The application areas of tin blanks depend on the grades and, accordingly,on the percentage of the element Sn. Thus, ingots made of the most chemically pure material OVCH-000 are used for the production of semiconductor equipment. This partly explains the small size of semi-finished products. O1 and O1pch are used for the production of tinplate, including food tinplate, for electrical products, chemical reagents and solders.Also, tin blanks of these grades are the source material for rods and anodes. O2, O3, O4 are used for preparing babbitts, solders, and alloys.
Prices for tin blank and ingot, specific price list items available for order, and other information necessary for purchasing products, are presented on the Cost page.