Sheets and flat bars are the most widely-used industrial semi-finished products. Sizes and form of these products allow using them as construction materials. At the same time anode sheets are used for nickel-plating as a nickel source. Considering that this metal belongs to materials with the highest corrosion stability so as the convenient form factor of the mentioned semi-finished products, it can be concluded that nickel sheets and flat bars are highly-demanded on the global industrial market.
For purchasing nickel sheets and flat bars ar Metotechnics please contact us via e-mail, by phone or visit our website. We will be glad to answer all your product-related questions and help you to choose the required items.
The product properties (grades, supply condition, standard sizes etc.) are described on this page.
Sheets are made of NP0, NP1, NP2, NP3, NP4; N-0, N-1u, N-1, N-2, N-3 (cathodes); NPAN, NPA1, NPA2 (anodes) grades. Flat bars are made of NP1, NP2, NP3, NP4; N-0, N-1, N-2, N-3, N-4 grades.
The chemical composition of NP1,..., NP4, NPA1, NPA2, NPAN is regulated by GOST 492-2006, chemical composition of N-0,..., N-4 - by GOST 849-97.
NP grade means semi-finished nickel, NPA means semi-finished anode nickel, N - primary. Additional abbreviation EVI in NP marking means that the alloys was produced with applying vacuum induction annealing; letter N in NPA (NPAN) means non-passivating.
The number mentioned in the alloy name determines the nickel mass % in the alloy. The number and metal mass % are inversely related. E.g., NP1 nickel contains 99.9% of and NP4 - 99.0% of Ni + Co.
Nickel sheets and flat bars are produced by rolling. They can be hot- or cold-rolled. Cold-rolled flat bars can have soft (annealed) or hard form.
During hot rolling the blanks are heated. Depending on the final product size this technological process may include several stages. After hot rolling several technological operations are performed. This is made for cleaning the product surface of by-product chemical compounds, attaining the necessary technological and mechanical properties and required length and width. This includes thermal processing, flattening, mechanical and chemical finishing (processing), edge trimming, cutting.
Cold-rolled sheets and flat bars are subject to the same technological operations as hot-rolled. Cold rolling is performed additionally without heating the blanks.
The sizes, supply condition and mechanical properties of NP1, NP2, NP3 and NP4 sheets and flat bars are regulated by GOST 6235-91; those of NPA1, NPA2, NPAN nickel anodes are regulated by GOST 2132-90; sizes and supply condition of nickel cathodes are not regulated.
Nickel-plating is one of the main applications of the described semi-finished products. A metal layer is applied on the products for protecting their surface from corrosion. In nickel pickling anode sheets or flat bars serve as a Ni source.
Cathode nickel in such form is used as burden for producing corrosive-resistance alloys.
See Cost page for purchasing nickel sheets and flat bars online or checking out the product prices and availability.