Modern production offers a large number of stainless steel grades and sizes of flat rolled products, which include the described products. These are some of the most common types of semi-finished products. Having a sufficient degree of resistance to corrosion in the main aggressive environments, an acceptable price and properties in comparison with products made of corrosion-resistant alloys, stainless flat bars and sheets are often used in industrial production.
To buy stainless steel sheet and flat bar in Metotechnics, just contact us in one of the convenient ways - email, phone, website. We will answer questions related to the product and help you select the necessary items.
Product characteristics (grades, delivery status, standard sizes, etc.) are presented on this page.
Products are made of high-alloy corrosion-resistant steel. The most popular grades are 20H13, 12H18N10T, 08H18N12B, 08H17N13M2T, 11H11N2V2MF and others. The basis of these grades is iron, the main alloying element is chromium. Nickel is also present in most corrosion-resistant materials..
The chemical composition of stainless steels is regulated by GOST 5632-72.
Flat bars and sheets of corrosion-resistant steel are produced by rolling. They can be hot-rolled or cold-rolled. In some cases, the surface can be heat treated and etched. The performance of certain operations depends on the grade. For example, steel 12H18N10T is quenched at 1030-1080 °C and cooled in water or air.
During hot rolling, the workpieces are heated. Depending on their final size, the process can be performed in several passes. Further, a number of technological operations are carried out aimed at cleaning the surface of the product from by-product chemical compounds, giving it the necessary technological and mechanical properties, as well as the required length and width values. These operations include heat treatment, editing, mechanical and chemical finishing (processing), edge trimming, and cutting.
Cold-rolled stainless steel sheets and flat bars are subjected to the same technological operations as hot-rolled ones, plus cold rolling, which is carried out without additional heating of the workpieces.
Thin stainless steel flat bars and sheets are made with a thickness of 1.5-3.9 mm for hot rolling, 0.5-3.9 mm for cold rolling. Ordinary hot - rolled stainless steel sheet and flat bar has a thickness of 4-50 mm, cold-rolled-4-5 mm.
Product sizes and their maximum deviations are regulated by the standards GOST 19903-74 for hot rolling, GOST 19904-74 - for cold rolling. The delivery status and mechanical properties are described in GOST 7350-77 for semi-finished products with a large thickness, GOST 5582-75 - for thin ones.
Corrosion-resistant sheets and flat bars are used in conditions of interaction with an aggressive environment (for example, precipitation, aqueous solutions of acid salts). At the same time, operating temperatures do not exceed 500-600 °C. The described conditions are encountered in the operation of items produced by many industries. Among them, it is worth noting the use of stainless steel sheets in welded building structures, the medical and food industries, shipbuilding and the chemical industry.
The list of items available for order in our company, the prices for stainless steel sheets and flat bars are presented on the Cost page.