Rods are produced of pure molybdenum MCh, MChVP grades (vacuum-melted) and of TsM2A (zirconium and/or titanium additives), TSM4 (zirconium and nickel additives) and other molybdenum-based alloys.
Molybdenum rods are forged (pressurized). Square billets with the side size not exceeding 40 cm serve as the primary raw material for production. Forging is made with a swaging machine. Due to molybdenum properties its pressurizing is made after heating. Forging is made in several stages, each stage for making molybdenum rods of a smaller diameter.
Rods should comply with requirements of GOSTs and TC such as GOST 17432-72, TC 11-77 (Яе0.021.057 ТУ), TC 48-19-203-85 etc.
Molybdenum rods are used as heaters of high-temperature electric furnaces. Such heaters should work in hydrogen atmosphere, inert gas and vacuum.
Also molybdenum rods are applied for making bushings of vacuum-tube devices. Molybdenum bushings can conduct higher currents (e.g., bushings of glass valves.
The available products are given in the Cost section. Also it contains such properties as price, alloy grade, size, etc.