Molybdenum pipes serve as a standard and common semifinished product with several applications. The main one is protection from high temperatures. They perfectly suit them considering high corrosive and chemical stability of the material, its density under high temperatures. Molybdenum pipe is a heat screen. It allows using different products that are not made heatproof refractory materials under high temperatures and in hostile environments. The described properties make these products very highly-demanded in certain industrial spheres.
It is very easy to purchase molybdenum pipe and tube. Metotechnics offers a wide size range - from thin-wall pipes to medium-diameter pipes. They can be ordered on the prices page, via e-mail and by phone.
See the corresponding sections in the page for properties of molybdenum pipe products, its production, application and grades.
The products are made of pure molybdenum of MCh, MChVP, MBVP grades so as TSM-7 alloy.
All described materials contain molybdenum as the main component; ТSМ-7 is alloyed with tantalum (Ta)and contains such admixtures as iron (Fe), aluminium (Al), nickel (Ni), tungsten (W), titanium (Ti), carbon (C) etc. MCh grade has the highest molybdenum content (99.94%), MChVP is on the second place (99.91%), MBVP contains 99.87% and TSM-7 - 99.63% of molybdenum.
MChVP is made by vacuum melting with applying carbon (C) as a scavenger, MBVP is produced the same way, but boron (B) is used as a scavenger.
The chemical composition of the above-listed materials is regulated by TC 48-19-251-85 and TC 48-19-305-84 standards.
Molybdenum pipes are drawn. Vacuum-melted ingots serve as blanks for MChVP, MBVP and TSM-7 grades, baked billets serve as ingots for MCh. Seminfinished products do not have seams as they are solid-drawn.
Among additional technological operations performed for blanks, chemical pickling of the surface can be made for removing contaminants.
Pure molybdenum products have 6.6-50.0 mm outer diameter and 0.10-2.00 mm wall thickness; products made of TSM-7 have 14-32 mm outer diameter and 0.5-2.5 mm wall thickness. Due to small size of semifinished products they are often called molybdenum tubes.
Mechanical properties, supply condition, sizes and other technological properties of the described products are given in TC 48-19-305-84 and TC 48-19-251-85 standards.
Molybdenum pipes and tubes have many useful properties, but mechanical strength, refractoriness, chemical and corrosive stability are the most important ones as one of the pipe applications is to supply different substances in liquid and gas form, often under increased temperatures. Also these semifinished products are used for making heat screens. Thermocouple protective cases serve as an example. It is especially important when the measuring device is put into the hostile environment. Molybdenum pipe is applied in critical assemblies and elements of different products. It is also used in glass and chemical industry, metallurgy, scientific researches.
See the Cost section for the list of pipe products and their prices. They can be ordered on the website, by phone or by e-mail.