Metotechnics offers high-quality products made of molybdenumrefractory metal. It is one of the main materials for products working under high temperature and it is always used in heatproof, wear-resistant and hard alloys. Molybdenum wire and filament is used in lighting and electronic devices and high-temperature furnaces and thermocouples. Applications of molybdenum rods and wire are partially the same. It is also used in furnaces and electronic devices. Molybdenum sheets are usually used as heat and radiation screens. Powder is used for making high-tech products by powder metallurgy methods and for making molybdenum-based powder mixtures. Molybdenum billets are used as blanks for other semi-finished products.
The supplied molybdenum rolled products comply with the requirements of standards and technical conditions (see GOSTs, TC). The products are stored at the warehouse and are ready for shipment.