The main application of these products is steel alloying and alloy building. Also they serve as primary raw materials for making electrolytic chromium powder.
Chromium particles and slugs can be purchased on the Prices page of the website of Metotechnics Company, by phone of via e-mail.
See the corresponding sections of this page for more details about the grades, production methods and applications can be.
Chromium in form of scales and slugs has a lot of grades that differ by Cr content and production method.
Kh99N1, Kh99N2, Kh99N4, Kh99N5, Kh99, Kh98,5 and Kh97,5 grades are made by reduction. The number after Kh means the maximum Cr content in %, the one after letter N (if any) - maximum N content in basis points (e.g., Kh99N4: main element - chromium (Cr) - at least 99%; the most significant admixtures - silicon (Si) - 0.2%, aluminium (Al) - 0.2%, iron (Fe) - 0.5%; other admixtures - sulphur (S) - 0.02%, phosphorus (P) - 0.02%, tin - (Sn) 0.004, cobalt (Co) - 0.004%, nitrogen - (N) 0.04%.
EKh grade is produced by Kh so it is called “electrolytic chromium”. ERKh-1, ERKh-2, ERKh-3 is made from EKh by depuration. It is called electrolytic refined chromium. Depuration allows minimizing the content of such admixtures as C, O, N, S, Н. So a material with Cr content at least 99.99% (ERKh-1)(e.g., EKh: 99.37% of Cr - the main component; 0.013% of N, 0.02% of S, 0.55% of O, 0.01% of C - admixtures).
The chemical composition and grades of reduced Cr is regulated by standard GOST 5905-2004.
Chromium particles and slugs can be received by two methods: electrolytic or ordinary reduction. Both methods are used for obtaining pure metal.
In the first case Cr is extracted by electrolytic reduction. The current is passed through the chrome-containing solution (electrolyte) with deposition of the metal on the cathode. Chromic acid (chromium anhydride (CrO3) + sulphuric acid (H2SO4) is used as the electrolyte. Electrolytic reduction is made in a water-cooled lead bath that serves as an anode. A water-cooled pipe made of Cr18N10Ta stainless steel serves as a cathode. Pure chromium extracted from the electrolyte is deposited on the cathode in form of scaly covering that is removed by hammering the cathode.
The second methods requires adding a chemical element (reducing agent) to the Cr compound and reduction takes place for extracting pure metal and by-products.
Electrolytic chromium can be additionally cleared from admixtures. This process involves Cr depuration in refined hydrogen current under 1297 °С.
Chromium particles (scales) are divided into 4 size fractions: 1 - 10-100 mm, 2 - 2-50 mm, 3 - 2-20 mm, 4 - less than 2 mm.
Particle sizes, supply condition and other product technological parameters should comply with the requirements of such regulatory documents as GOST 5905-2004.
Chromium slugs and particles are usually used for steel alloying and alloy building (e.g., nickel-chromium heatproof superalloy production with vacuum electrometallurgy methods). Pure metal is always used as an alloying agent. Alloying is often made with its compounds. Thus, chromium scales are used for obtaining chromium nitrides (Cr2N) or other products containing Cr and N by thermal processing in the atmosphere of pure nitrogen. These products are used for producing special alloys and steel.
Thin chromium films are sputtered in electron-beam heating installations. For this vacuum evaporation technology and Cr deposition is applied in electronics.
Chromium particles serve as primary raw materials for producing powder. They undergo mechanical impact for making 200-300 micron particles.
See the Prices page for the cost of chromium slugs and particles and the available grade range.