Measurements play a very important role in the work of many devices or in making researches. Thermocouples allow accurate temperature measurement in wide ranges. The main CСT (chromel-сopel thermocouple) feature is that it can measure low differential temperatures very accurately due to the high sensitivity and stability of such an instrument.
Metotechnics offers chromel and copel wire. For purchasing them please call us, send a request via e-mail or make an order on the price list page.
See the corresponding sections of this page for the detailed description of the methods of producing the above-stated items, grades and application recommendations. Also, it contains references for standards that serve as important sources of technical information.
Nickel (Ni) is the main chromel component. Its content is 87.4-90.4% (includes 0.6-1.2% of cobalt (Co)). Chromium (Cr) is represented by 9-10% and the rest of elements such as manganese (Mn), silicon (Si), iron (Fe), etc are represented by tens of per cent, basic points and permils.
Besides nickel+cobalt (Ni+Co)(42.5-44.0%), copel contains 54.4-57.4% of copper (Cu). These two elements are its basic ones. Manganese (Mn) can be distinguished among other components with 0.1-1% weight percent.
The chemical composition of NiCr 9,5 and CuNiMn 43-0,5 grades is presented in GOST 492-2006 and regulated by this standard.
Chromel and copel thermocouple wire is produced by stretching. This operation belongs to pressurizing processes so the end products are cold-worked.
Among additional processing operations, annealing is performed only for softening the chromel and copel thermocouple wire. Surface pickling and mechanical processing are not performed.
After making the semi-finished products, a certain wire bundle for coupling should be determined. They are chosen according to special techniques. The coupling process, gradation and verification are described in article Thermocouples. Types, properties, constructions, production.
The product size, supply condition, properties, measuring range are given in GOST 1790-77, nominal static properties for corresponding thermocouples are given in GOST R 8.585-2001.
Range of measured temperatures: -253 °С - +800 (+1100) °С. The maximum temperature for short-term use is given in brackets.
Operated in oxidation medium or inert gas; short-term application in vacuum; protection is required for applying in reduction or redox atmosphere.
Porcelain, quartz, fiber glass, enamels and asbestos are used for electrode insulation.
Semi-finished products made of the considered materials are used for making chromel-copel thermocouples (CCT). They are intended for measuring ultra-low temperatures close to absolute zero or above-zero temperatures up to 1100 °С. Practically such thermocouples are not used for temperatures over 600 °С as chromel-alumel wire is the most suitable one for this. The described products are mostly used in laboratory equipment when conducting scientific experiments.
Prices for chromel-copel thermocouple wire are given in Cost section.