Wire is made of 20Cr13, 30Cr13, 12Cr18Ni9, 10Cr17Ni13Mo3Тi high-alloy corrosive-resistant steel; CrNi60WTi nickel-based heatproof alloys; CrNi77TAlB (EI437Nb), 06Cr15Ni60Mo15 (EP367)(general-purpose welding) and CrNi65MoW (EP567) nickel-based heatproof alloys.
The chemical composition of the mentioned grades is given in GOST 5632-72 standard.
Wire is made by stretching without heating the rods that serve as blanks. Heatproof wire is supplied in thermally-processed condition.
The size, supply condition, mechanical properties of the above-mentioned products are regulated by GOST 18143-72 standard.
It should be noted that wire made of heat-resistant and heatproof alloys with a small diameter (usually less than 0.1 mm) is usually called “filament”. GOST 25501-82 does not contain the definition “filament” for blanks and semi-finished products, but this name is often used in real life. Also it is also known as micron wire.
Heat-resistant wire and filaments are applied for making materials with corrosive resistance under high temperatures; heatproof wire and filaments are applied for high-durable products operating under high temperatures. They are typically used in power-plant industry.