Ferrotitanium is one of the most important products in the ferroalloy range. It is widely spread in metallurgy and is widely used for improving the technological and mechanical properties of many alloys and steel.
Metotechnics offers ferrotitanium. It can be ordered on the Prices page, via e-mail or by phone.
See the corresponding sections of this page for the information on the product grades, production methods and applications.
Ferrotitanium is designated by FeTi abbreviation and Ti percentage in a certain ferroalloy. Also, the grade often includes the silicon (Si) percentage after Si. E.g., FeTi35Si5 - 28-40% Ti, 8% - Al, 5% - Si.
FeTi70Si05, FeTi35Si8 and FeTi25 are the most common ferrotitanium grades The chemical composition of this ferroaluminum includes many elements: 20-75% of titanium (Ti); 4-25% of aluminum (Al); 0.5-30% of silicon (Si); 0.4-3% of vanadium (V); 0.4-2.5% of molybdenum (Mo). Iron (Fe) is an essential part of all ferroalloys. Its percentage is not regulated.
Sulphur (S) and phosphorus are the most adverse admixtures. Their content is very low - a basis point.
Ferrotitanium chemical composition is determined by GOST 4761-91.
Titanium (Ti) content in the Earth crust is rather high. This element is the 7th most common metal. All titanium minerals are divided in 5 groups: rutile (TiO2); ilmenite (FeO·TiO2); perovskite (CaO·TiO2); niobium (tantalum) titanate (Na, Ca, ...)(Nb, Ti)2O6(F, OH); sphene (CaTi(SiO4)O). Ilmenite is the most widely-used material for industrial needs.
Ore is dressed by different methods: gravity, magnetic and flotation. This allows making a concentrate with 42-49% of TiO2; it is a primary raw materials for producing ferrotitanium. As a rule, the concentrate is subject to sweet roasting for reducing the sulphur (S) content.
Ferrotitanium, so as other ferroalloys, is produced by reduction. Aluminum (Al), carbon (C) and silicon (Si) can be used as reducing reagents. Aluminothermic method is usually applied for industrial needs.
Ferrotitanium is usually melted in a dismountable cast iron hearth with lined walls. The lining is 10-15 mm thick. Burden consists of titanium concentrate - Ti source, aluminum powder - reducing reagent, lime, ferrosilicon, iron ore, titanium waste. The reduction process is initiated by firing an ignition charge that consists of nitrate and magnesium cuttings. No other energy sources are required for production. After melting ferrotitanium slugs are ground.
FeTi is supplied in form of slugs with weight up to 15 kg or ground screened particles with the size depending on the coarseness category.
Supply condition, batch selection principles and other requirements towards FeTi are given in GOST 4761-91.
Ferrotitanium is applied for alloying, deoxidation and degasifying of steel and alloys. So it is usually applied in ferrous metallurgy.
FeTi is added to stainless and heatproof steel due to Ti presence. It has a stabilizing function, binds carbon into titanium carbides and prevents the formation of chromium carbides. Also, Ti improves the weldability of corrosive-resistant chromium-nickel steel and its mechanical properties.
The prices for ferrotitanium and information on the available ferroalloys (grades and product forms) are given in the Cost section.