Besides such classic properties as refractoriness and mechanical strength zirconium has several peculiar properties applied in different spheres. E.g., they include inertness towards biological tissues and fluids. Very often, as in case of dentistry tools, very small blanks are required and zirconium wire is suitable for this. So these products occupy a very important niche in line with similar products made of refractory materials.
Metotechnics offers zirconium wire and filament. Our company sells a wide range of products. For making an order please contact us via a special form on the price page, e-mail or by phone.
See the corresponding sections of this page for more details about the properties of Zr products of round section and small diameter, their production, application, and grades.
The products are made of E110, E125 grades. It is is zirconium with niobium (Nb) additive with weight percent 0.90-1.10% (1st grade) and 2.40-2.70% (2nd grade). The composition of admixtures in zirconium-based alloys is a bit different from the one of alloys of other refractory metals. Thus, secondary elements of the chemical composition include aluminum (Al), boron (B), beryllium (Be), carbon (C), calcium (Ca), cadmium (Cd), chlorine (Cl), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), fluorine (F), hafnium (Hf), potassium (K), lithium (Li), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), nitrogen (N), nickel (Ni), oxygen (O), lead (Pb), titanium (Ti), iron (Fe), and silicon (Si).
The chemical composition of the considered grades is given in TC 95.166-83 standard.
Zirconium wire and filament are produced by cold drawing, i.e this operation is made without heating the semi-finished products. Blanks in form of rods serve as the primary material for producing them. Preliminary deformation is made for reducing the blanks and making the material plastic enough. Before drawing, semi-finished products shall be covered with lubricant - colloidal-graphite mixture.
The ready-made products are supplied after vacuum annealing with pickled surface, i.e. finish thermal and chemical processing are made. The product diameter is 0.9-3.0 mm.
Zirconium wire and filament properties including sizes, their tolerances, supply condition, mechanical properties, and other technological properties are given in TC 95.166-83 standard.
Firstly, zirconium wire applications are determined by its size and zirconium properties - high corrosive resistance, inertness towards biological tissues and fluids, and attractive appearance. Certain applications include medicine (dental orthopedics, traumatology) and jewellery. Zirconium wire is applied in dental implants and crowns. Zirconium is used for making various bracelets and other decorations.
See Cost page for zirconium wire and filament price, product range, and availability. Also they can be ordered on the website.